Benefits of Choosing uPVC Windows in Colors for Your Home

uPVC windows are a popular choice for homeowners and builders due to their energy efficiency, durability, and low maintenance. While White is a standard colour option available across globe, deceuninck uPVC windows are now available in a variety of colours and finishes, which provide additional benefits for homeowners. 

Aesthetic Appeal

One of the biggest advantages of choosing deceuninck’s uPVC windows in colours is the aesthetic appeal they bring to the table. Windows are an important element of any interior, and choosing a colour that complements the existing colour scheme of a space can create a cohesive and attractive look. The variety of colours available ensures that homeowners can find a colour that matches their style and preferences. So now don’t settle for less & pick from wide array of deceuninck’s uPVC window colours


Colour options provide a great opportunity for customization. Homeowners who have a specific colour in mind can choose a custom colour that matches their desired look. This allows more flexibility in design, and the ability to create a unique and personalized look for your space.

Reduced Maintenance

While white uPVC windows are low maintenance, coloured windows have an added benefit of reducing the appearance of dirt and grime. This can be especially beneficial for buildings located near busy roads or in areas with high pollution. Coloured uPVC windows can also help to reduce the appearance of scratches and dents, which are more visible on white windows.

Increased Property Value

The addition of colored uPVC windows can increase the value of any property. Coloured windows can enhance the appearance of a home and make it stand out from other properties in the area. This can be especially beneficial for homeowners who are looking to sell their homes in the future, as it can increase the curb appeal and marketability of the property.

More Realistic 

uPVC Windows look more realistic in wood finish colours when compared to Aluminium windows – rustic nut tree, classic mahogany, mellowly – Golden Oak, crispy – Premium Oak. Wood finish in Aluminium is possible but the moment you touch the surface, you know it’s metal. Keep them guessing if it’s wood or any other profile. 

Long Lasting

Solid colours with long-lasting gloss – last better and longer than Powder coated Aluminium. It adds a lot of depth to your spaces as you can match it with any interior that is needed.

Deceuninck uPVC windows are water resistant, salt resistant and thermal insulation & is termatie free. These special qualities make it withstand extreme heat, cold, wind, snow & ensures they don’t start bending, rotting, peeling, chipping, or flaking

Stand out

 While everyone is going with White or Powder Coated Aluminium, stand out with Deceuninck classic colours. Turning your boring interiors into a piece of art with Deceuninck Coloured uPVC windows  is a very simple yet powerful way to add the right amount of design and style to your space ! It’s high time we stop settling for less. As we have enough options available at deceuninck uPVC windows. 

Faster delivery 

Deceuninck believes in providing their customers with the best service, in just 4 weeks + 4 weeks of delivery on select wood finish and solid colours. While most companies offer colour in 90 days, Deceuninck fabricators can offer it in 60 days, and that too in 70mm Series. 

In conclusion, choosing uPVC windows in colours provide a range of benefits for homeowners, including aesthetic appeal, customization, reduced maintenance, and increased property value. With a variety of colours and finishes available, homeowners can find a colour that matches their preferences and design requirements. If you’re considering uPVC windows for your home, consider the advantages of choosing coloured windows.